Dearest, StarSong. I love this topic very much. Actually, I have thought a lot about the healing power of gifting. There are few things more powerful than a perfect gift that says 'you are known and you are loved.' I will take an excruciatingly long time to wrap a gift (to Bill's dismay), but picking or making beautiful paper, perfecting the edges, finding natural beauty to adorn it all feels like a gift to me in that it is a meditation on the receiver. I get to spend that time holding them close to my heart and appreciating them. I hope they feel it in the package as well as the object. Then, we can take that a step further and regard a dinner for someone as a gift. The time grocery shopping, cooking, and decorating the table all as a time for meditation and appreciation for the people who are about to arrive. It shifts the energy of these actions from tasks to acts of love. Any action can be a prayer of appreciation with the right intention.

As for the gorgeous acorn... yes, that feels like a sacred exchange to me. You've modeled it and set him up to know how to do it. You've chosen something that he will enjoy—that is about connection and sweetness—and he has done the same in return. Ah, the delight in being known and appreciated. Loved. I can only imagine the incredible gift you are to your daughter and grandson as a grandmother. It is so precious, I am blessed by it. Thank you for telling the story! - C.

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