Happy Halloween Ann. Hope all is going well. Sending you best wishes for lovely autumnal months. I have taken the Liberty to offer a ditty. Hope it will bring you a smile

The Halloween gift

On All Hallows' eve when my weary heart smiled

At last the weather grew more mild

It took a while for me to open my door

But when I did so It opened much more

Would it be a trick or would it be a treat

It would depend on the way I was likely to greet

For at that moment I laughed and I smiled

And the old lady said here's some chocolate my child

October 31 2016

Love to everyone. Richard x

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Dear Ann--what a delightful Sunny Optimist!! So enjoyable to hear of your traditions! We went “trick-or-treating” in California, as children. We had to offer a song to each house that opened its doors to us. We’d wear “costumes” (largely thrifted clothing in fancy combinations with make up or masks) sing a small song, and be given candy. Such memories. We knew nothing about so called pagan celebrations. Once we made a gruesome operating station on our front porch, with a dead chicken in doll clothes (it was too “off” to eat, so we came by it honestly) and we terrified the tiny tricksters. I found a way to make the clothed chicken carcass wheeze--ah, childhood!!! Have a beautiful day, and thank you dear friend🍁🍁🍁💛🍁🍁🍁

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