Feb 2Liked by Ann Roberts

Ann, I love this post SO much. Such a great question: What is expectant—what is beginning to show? It captures the energy of a couple of big things emerging in my life right now. It is a beautiful reminder to be patient. Not only is there no need to rush, there is no way to rush. Things will birth exactly when it is time. I love knowing about the Imbolc energy and will celebrate it today.

Sending so much love from here! - C.

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I got goosebumps reading this, especially on seeing the image created by Karen Bagnard. A question came to me - wasn't Imbolc at some point considered the start of Spring? (And the cross-quarter days, generally, the start of the seasons?) Thought I read that somewhere.

On a different note, yesterday, I was wondering about a biomimicry way to think about money. This morning, I woke up realizing that gardening is all about investing thoughtful time and care. And I was aware of the patience you need to be with life as it unfolds naturally in its time. There is that expectancy you talk about and, with that, the opportunity to learn patience, to align with the process of nurturance and care. That seems to be helping me think about things differently.

Thanks, always, for your lovely articles !

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Feb 2Liked by Ann Roberts

Thank you for sharing this Ann! This week I have welcomed a new level of energy that has been largely dormant since late October. An enthusiastic, determined and optimistic energy. I am enjoying it and hoping it stays with me a while longer. Going to enjoy a weekend on the land at our homestead. 🙏💚

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Feb 2Liked by Ann Roberts

What a treat to learn about Imbolc Day. Not a celebration but a notice today what Phil the groundhog will do.

Punxsutawney Phil has spoken: An early spring awaits us.

The beloved groundhog took his position for the 138th time in Gobbler’s Knob Friday and didn’t see his shadow.

Happy Imbolc day!

In gratitude,


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Feb 2Liked by Ann Roberts

A very beautiful poem. Beautiful light of day

Sending kind heartfelt best wishes to you. Richard x

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Happy Imbolc Ann. Stay blessed 💜

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