Yes I'm looking into this as well with my connection to dowsing and find it fascinating to the relation to Medicine and Spirals and Torus ( which ive seen during Sundance's ) and Triskelion's which is Air Water and Earth all ive been able to Dowse within the earth energy,s and looking into how the Archtypes of energy relate to the wheel with Sacred Geometry Ive also been able recently to dowse flower petals and node points in the earth within stone Circles I feel the is a connection so I'm excited to ,,, and feel our Mother Earth is slowly showing herself and the other day i did the Taslagi on a node point and went into the shimmering it was awesome try it :) Big Hugs ty again Ann give my Love to David xx

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Hello Huddy - so wonderful to have you here. Yes I had a call with FireHawk this week and we were exploring the interplay between the Spiral, the Medicine Wheel, and the Torus. Mmmm love that we are aligned in this fascinating field. Love winging back to you from my and David. wishing you a happy day

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Thanks for sharing such a beautiful experience with Noah! Love the spiral images!

I sense there is whole lot to be discovered about our universe through a deep understanding of Sacred Geometry! Nikolai Tesla showed us the way in recent history!

If I ever build a new home, I would love for it to follow sacred geometry principles. I imagine it would hold a special, life-giving, positive energy.

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Hello Mark, OOoeer can you signpost me to more about Nikolai Tesla please, I looked him up but could not see the connection you were making - would love to find out more:). Yes I love that Sacred Geometry can guide us at so many levels in our lives. I am off exploring Spiral Dynamics for this weeks post :)

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Spiral dynamics is a useful tool! I met Don Beck at a a conference 12 years ago.

Here's a thought provoking video about Tesla and the sacred geometry link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eckW_JcUDJQ

Also this article: https://www.sacredgeometryshop.com/sacred-geometry/sacred-geometry-numerology/

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Hello Mark - thank you for the links - so interesting. The diagram seems the same as the Enneagram - am I right? I took a 12-week course on the enneagram recently and found it fascinating how it is centred in ancient knowledge. Then I come to the Medicine and 8 partitioned wheels and wonder about the interplay of the sacred geometry of this. Mmmmm

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Hello Ann! I hadn't made that connection with the Enneagram. Being centred in ancient knowledge is becoming a filter for me i.e. anything that can be traced back to ancient times pre religion and contamination resonates more strongly. In my reading in Book 8B of the The Ringing Cedars series this morning, Anastasia tells about her ancient ancestors who had a celebration at the end of March when they made pancakes in celebration of the return of the sun! Religion is full of adaptations of more ancient rites and celebrations to suit its narrative.

Yes, it would be interesting to understand any connections between the Medicine wheels and sacred geometry!

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So appreciating this conversation - Thank you :)

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Yes yes :) love Tesla cheak this out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eckW_JcUDJQ

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OOOh this is glorious - I will take time with it a bit later. I love Nassem Haramein work. Thank you. I have a couple of his videos. I am also very taken with the Jude Currivan's book The Cosmic Holgram and the 9 Waves of Creation by Carl Johan Calleman xxxx

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My mother found an ammonite fossil on a day trip to Dorset in the 1950s. It was donated to a museum

As for geometry I could talk about that endlessly. The golden ratio is wonderful. And shows how much mathematics at the heart of nature. And nature is at the heart of thoughtful human beings.


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Hello Richard, it is amazing. I was just thinking about you and here you are. I just love the constancy of your presence here - right from the very beginning. What a ride it has been. Sending you hugs Axx

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You always bring me the greatest of hope. Always. Like the sunrise from thr night. The greatest gift. Thankyou Ann x

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Hello Dear Dorte Mu, so lovely to have you here. I so appreciate your words and engagement, and the images of spirals you shared. Yes, I do find David Attenborough sych and inspiration. Wishing you a happy day. Axx

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